First Medical Transcription Corporation offers several Medical & healthcare related services through their web site named In this document represent the website as well as First Medical Transcription Corporation.

HIPAA Overview

The Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) was enacted under President Bill Clinton in 1996. This law ensures the continuity of healthcare coverage for individuals changing jobs and includes a provision that impacts on the management of heath information; seeks to simplify the administration of health insurance; and aims to combat waste, fraud and abuse in health insurance and healthcare.

Security and Privacy Mandates

HIPAA regulations include requirements for ensuring the security and privacy of individuals’ protected health information (PHI). The standards aim to maintain the right of individuals to keep private information about themselves.

The Department of Health and Human Services is charged with developing and issuing regulations to address these requirements. Final privacy compliance is required by April 14, 2003. The security rule is being finalized; the released date is expected to be in early 2003.

Protected Information

HIPAA regulations protect medical records and other “individually identifiable health information” (communicated electronically, on paper, or orally) that are created or received by covered health care entities that transmit information electronically. This would include any information, including demographic information collected from an individual, as well as any information that identifies an individual, or could be reasonably believed to identify an individual.

HIPAA protects individually identifiable health information, which relates to the past, present, or future physical or mental health condition of an individual. / First Medical Transcription Corporation - HIPAA Compliance believes that emerging privacy and security requirements captured by regulations such as HIPAA are an important improvement to the healthcare industry. We believe that by amending, revising and restructuring our existing security, privacy & confidentiality policies, process controls and technology upgrades, we can achieve the appropriate compliance. However the security, privacy & confidentiality policy described on our website may exceeds any specific compliance requirements, many additional steps described here, have ensure HIPAA compliance. This includes all associates from both the United States and India signing a non-disclosure / confidentiality policy statement.

As a provider of services to the medical industry, has appointed HIPAA compliance officer, to ensure participation of a cross-section of its internal departments. HIPAA compliance officer ensures that all associates receive the appropriate level of HIPAA awareness training prior to their association to HIPAA security compliance rules are also enforced in the development and installation of all applications. This ensures reasonable maintenance of appropriate administration, technical and physical safeguards for the integrity and confidentiality of all PHI that receives or processes for our clients and their customers. Currently, we believe our service offering meets or exceeds HIPAA and JCAHO regulations. We seek input from HIPAA consultants, Technology security briefings and publications, technology vulnerability newsletter and many other sources to ensure current compliance and to maintain superior confidentiality of patient records.

Confidentiality of Records requires all associates, employees, sub-contractors and partners to comply with all applicable federal and state laws regarding confidentiality of patient medical reports applicable to client’s native, our operations and the locations where the actual work is executed. Precautions have been taken to prevent the unauthorized disclosure of records transcribed under the terms of our customer agreement. Should any federal or state data transmission regulations apply, complies with all necessary requirements for electronic data delivery to their customers.

Records Availability

All data are stored in our central location. Any PHI stored on with our subcontractors or other associates sites are immediately destroyed upon the completion of the task for which the information was obtained and after transmitting to our central location.  All such data including but not limited to PHI, are removed and transferred in an archived state from our servers and hard drives after 30 days of successful completion of services. This archived data are stored on digital media which are kept until the expiration of three (3) years after the furnishing of services, makes customer agreements and its books, documents and records available to Department of Health and Human Services to the extent required by HIPAA, if it is determined that such act and the implementing regulations apply. Once the data is in archived state, it can only be accessed or retrieved by a separate authorization of our HIPAA compliance officer. has established a reputation for providing user-friendly solutions while protecting the privacy and security of an organization’s unique workflow, as well as the organization’s patient’s confidentiality. Our software and services incorporate the core HIPAA requirements. We are committed to working with our customers, to provide additional value as a business associate to assist in meeting the continuing HIPAA challenge. offers world-class quality and cost-effective transcription solutions, while adhering to HIPAA privacy and security needs.

If you have questions regarding this statement, you should first contact

Changes to this Statement will occasionally update their HIPAA policies. When we do, we will also revise the "last updated" date at the bottom of the HIPAA statement. For material changes to this Statement, may notify you by placing prominent notice on the Web site.

Contact Information welcomes your comments regarding this HIPAA Statement; please contact us by
e-mail, or postal mail. HIPAA Compliance Officer
First Medical Transcription Corporation.
22 W 19th Street, 5th Floor
New York, NY 10011

Last Updated: 4/14/2003 6:45:11 PM

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